How to crack that interview

Best post I have ever read from a blog named My World From My Specs.

How to crack that interview

The best advice given to me by one of my friend was that anything can be achieved with practise and preparation. It was the moment when I wasn't selected in an interview and was feeling very low. The future seemed to be dark and success in an interview seems impossible. The steps I took to come out of that dark phase and become more powerful and successful in life are described below

Preparation is the key
Preparation is key

I took the challenge very seriously. I searched on internet what a company, which I am targeting, expects from an employee of my experience and what skills are required. Then I made list of all the topics that I had to study. The list was quiet big but I tackled one topic at a time. I found the material and also the most probable questions related to that topic which is asked in the interview. Once I was done with all the topics, I had a master list of interview questions that could be asked. I studied the material and all the questions again and again till I felt that I was technically ready for the interview.

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Quiz your brain!

1. In a certain code LOGIC is written as IRJLF, how will be MAGIC written in that same code?

2. In a certain code, KING is written as 119147. How will be QUEEN written in that same code?

3. If LIVED is DEVIL, then what is 4689?

Click Here for Solutions and Answers

Daily Quiz

Tips For ON-CAMPUS Interviews

Here is a wonderful and a helpful article which as a student, i found to be very helpful. Its regarding the on-campus interviews and how to deal with them...i got it from

Tips For On-Campus Interview 

Tip 1. Utilize career fairs at other schools 
Tip 2. Find out the nature of the interview 
Tip 3. Utilize the Internet 

Tip 4. Know the company 
Tip 5. Be able to describe your thesis work in 2 minutes 
Tip 6. If you don't know about something, admit it 

Read complete Tips here



What Do Companies Expect?

The IT field is a constantly growing one, where the technology of yesterday is a relic today. There is a wide gap between the requirement and supply of the skilled manpower. So there is a very high demand for such capable people. They are looking forward for such people and expect their employees to be dynamic enough to have the aptitude for continuous learning and a willingness to work more. Software development is teamwork, so the companies expect reasonably good communication skills. It’s enough that you have the capability to express your thoughts freely.

The Selection Procedure

Most of the companies follow the similar methodology for campus selections. We feel that the companies adopt more a filtering approach to selection strategy in initial stages.

Many companies mandate a 60%-75% average in the qualifying degree. Few companies look for good track record from school days itself. Consistent performance is also sometimes taken into account: some companies require that the candidates should have no arrears.
Next comes the written test. The test topics and weight age given for each of the subject tested varies between the companies. The aim is to select the candidates with good aptitude that includes C aptitude and general aptitude (analytical aptitude and reasoning). Depending on the companies the other subjects tested varies. When you are selected in the written test, some companies have Group Discussion for further filtering of the candidates.
Finally you have personal interview. Depending on the company there may be one or two interviews; in case of technical session and HR/Stress interviews. Performance in interviews is crucial in the selection process because it is where you are evaluated fully and final decision is made on your selection.

What to prepare and How to prepare?

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